
The Managing Authority of the South-East Finland – Russia CBC is responsible for the implementation of the information and visibility measures relating to the programme. The main aims of the communication are to strengthen the benefits of the cooperation between EU and Russia, provide knowledge of the joint funding instrument of EU, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland in terms of regional development and increase the transparency on the use of public funding. Information and publicity actions are implemented mainly through the programme’s web-site and by utilizing social media accounts in Twitter and Facebook. Press releases are issued and published at the News site on programme level and on projects’ activities.

Introduction videos of the South-East Finland – Russia CBC 2014-2020

Programme promotional video

Programme priority 1 video

Programme priority 2 video

Programme priority 3 video

Programme priority 4 video

Social media channels of the South-East Finland – Russia CBC 2014-2020
Programme on Twitter
Programme on Facebook
Programme on Instagram
Programme on YouTube